Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What's Been Happening?

It has been a busy couple weeks! Resiterns sponsors the children's birthday party at UTMB every July, and I organized the event this year. I ordered crafts and goody bag treats for 40 children. Apparently, color your own inflatable beach balls were a huge success this year at Vacation Bible School in Galveston, so we decided to do the same. Even the teen hospital volunteers had a ball coloring them! I had a lot of great volunteers, and I think the children had a good time. My mother-in-law told me I would make a great homeroom mom!

Our social calendar has been full recently. As the new residency year begins each July, there are various welcome-to-the-island parties and cookouts. We're starting to feel like old pros!

Justin and I have decided to go to Colorado for our vacation next month. We will stay with some friends and visit Denver, Colorado Springs, and Breckenridge. I have been collecting tips from friends about where to go, where to eat, how many nights we must stay in Colorado Springs (Lealea!) Pike's Peak, here we come! We're very excited about seeing the beautiful mountains and parks. Justin may have to drag me screaming back to hot, humid Texas.

My brother and his family are currently vacationing in Italy as they do each August. I can't wait to see pictures and very much hope to join them one day. I'm sure my nieces are having a fabulous time.

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