Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Post Ike

Well, it has been a long time since my last entry. A month and a half has passed since the devastation of Hurricane Ike. We are very blessed to have had only roof damage. Our roof will need to be replaced, but our fence held up due to Justin's excessive use of brackets! All of our friends who owned houses in Galveston sustained nearly 2-3 feet of water inside. Their homes have been completely gutted due to the mold that quickly takes over. They have lost so many of their possessions and are unable to currently reside in their homes. The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, the hospital where Justin works, also had extensive damage. The first floor of every building on the medical campus had 5 feet of flooding. The hospital could only handle minor triage for weeks after the hurricane. I believe it is open now but not to the extent it once was. It will go from a 800 bed hospital to a 200 bed hospital, and many of the services it once offered are gone like open heart surgery. Many of the medical residents have been spread across the state of Texas temporarily to continue their training. Luckily Justin and most of his friends are working in Houston. He will be there in November, and then we will see where he goes afterward. It is surely a time of uncertainty, but I fully trust our Lord and know whatever he has in store for us is for the best. I would rather Him be in charge of this situation than myself!