Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Justin's Family Birthday Cookout

We celebrated Justin's 28th birthday with our families in Oklahoma. Linda invited my parents over for a delicious lunch and yummy desserts! She made two of Justin's favorites- better than sex cake and chocolate chip pie. He was in heaven! We met Jana's new boyfriend, Brady who seemed to pass the first impression test.

Visiting the Stillwater Dorrs

I visited the Stillwater Dorrs in Tulsa while we were in town for a wedding. Uncle Pat and Aunt Kathy were visiting Megan and Joel, so I was able to catch up with them and hear about their trip to London. It's amazing to see how much little Claire and Emma have grown. They are such beautiful girls and look just like their parents! I just wish Amber and Aaron could have been there.

Nick & Nicole's Wedding

We flew to Tulsa to attend the wedding of our friends Nick Paynter and Nicole Cabe. After three years of engagement, they married July 19 which also happens to be the anniversary of Nicole's parents. It was a beautiful wedding, and we had a lot of fun visiting with all of our friends.